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What's New at Roosevelt Middle School

F.A.M.E. Announcements for 16-17 Production!

Are you interested in joining a crew or auditioning for Willy Wonka?

Forms for joining a crew or auditioning for the cast are available in the activities office. Those applying to be a part of a crew need the purple and yellow forms. Those auditioning for the cast need the purple and white forms.

Cast auditions are December 14, 15, and 19 in room 165, the choir room. They will be from 2:30 – 4:30. Students can still sign up for an audition time on December 19. Other days are filled. If December 19 does not work for you, please talk to Mrs. Lenstra-Norman during 8th period in room 163, the band room.

Crew application forms are due between now and December 19. They can be turned into the main office.

No More Activities Bus

This year there will be no activities bus to take students home after practices.

Students who have late practice (volleyball or basketball) may either go home and return at 3:45 for practice, or they may go to the cafeteria where they will be supervised until 3:45.

Class Instagrams

Follow the Classrooms!

Have you ever asked your student at dinner what they did at school that day and the response is, “Nothing.” ??? Now you can see exactly what is going on in all of their classes. Most are updated daily and some hourly! You will be very impressed by what you see! Please consider following your student’s classes and groups!

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Registration for 2016-2017

Registration Information

Online Registration opens Monday, August 1, at 9 a.m.

Want to be sure you have everything completed for registration? The registration checklist will guide you to eREGISTRATION, payments and forms – and you can check your to-do items off so you know you completed everything!…/dcsd-registration-checklist-161…

You can also get help registering by calling or visiting the office Tuesday, August 9 – Wednesday, August 10 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Happy Summer!

Goodbye to 2015-2016

The ERMS staff would like to thank everyone in the Roosevelt Family for another wonderful school year. It was filled with laughter, good times, and lots of learning. Have a great summer, remember to read and make smart choices! See you in August!  Be sure to check out our ERMS facebook page and all of our class instagrams to see the exciting things that happen at our school every single day!

Lawler Joins ERMS

Lawler Joins ERMS Family

DCSD is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Lawler as assistant principal at Roosevelt Middle School, pending approval by the Board of Education. Lawler assumes the position left vacant by Jeff Johll when he becomes the Roosevelt principal next year.

Lawler currently serves as an assistant principal at Hempstead High School, a position he has held sincelawler 2011. In this role, he has worked closely with student character development initiatives and to enhance school culture and climate.Prior to joining Hempstead, Lawler served in a variety of roles at Washington Middle School, including instructional coach, student needs facilitator, gifted and talented facilitator, and as a seventh-grade social studies teacher. He has also coached football, wrestling and basketball at the middle school level.

We welcome Mr. Lawler to the Raptor Family!