LEAP Activities
Learn more at: www.dbqschools.org/leap
Roosevelt LEAP activities are offered:
Afternoons from 2:30-4:00 p.m.
Here are a few upcoming activities…
Wednesdays, beginning January 8 through January 29 Cooking with Neumann Do you want to learn to cook and eat your creations? Then this is the class for you. Be prepared to chop, stir, mix, eat and cleanup. Please sign up for only one week. We will be making the following foods: January 8—Asian Cuisine January15—Mexican Cuisine January 22—Comfort Foods January 29—Yummy Desserts Provided by: Kelly Neumann, ERMS Teacher |
Wednesdays, beginning January 8 through January 29 Michaelangelo No, not the Ninja Turtle but the Renaissance Artist Michaelangelo who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Italy. You can leave your mark on the ceiling of Mrs. Dillon’s art room by painting a ceiling tile. This is for serious artists. Provided by: Molly Dillon, ERMS Teacher |
Wednesdays, beginning February 5 through February 26 Michaelangelo No, not the Ninja Turtle but the Renaissance Artist Michaelangelo who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Italy. You can leave your mark on the ceiling of Mrs. Dillon’s art room by painting a ceiling tile. This is for serious artists. Provided by: Molly Dillon, ERMS Teacher |
Mondays, January 27, February 24, March 24, April 28 & May 19 Book Club This is a monthly non-commitment book club. Students sign up, receive the book for free to read and keep, and meet once a month to discuss the novel. Staff from the Carnegie-Stout Public Library join us. Provided by: Carnegie-Stout Public Library and Jodi Heimke, ERMS Teacher |
Tuesdays, February 11, 18, 25, and March 4 Girls Coding & Engineering Girls can join this afterschool program that introduces coding concepts through fun & hands-on activities with the Sphero BOLT Coding Robots. Led by volunteers from the Dubuque Area Society of Women Engineers, get an introduction to software and engineering concepts and careers. Bring your phone if you have one to connect to the robots. Provided by: Dubuque Area Society of Women Engineers |
March 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 17 Dungeons & Dragons Dungeons and Dragons is a roleplaying game about storytelling in the world of swords and sorcery. It is driven by imagination and how a fantasy adventurer, that a student creates, might react to different challenges. Players will create a character and interact with an environment that is made by other students. Mathematics, reading, writing, and speaking skills can all be enhanced by participating in this group. Provided by: Ryan Spires and William Lange, ERMS Teachers |